2010 High Holiday Information and Forms

ostt News and Events 2 Comments

High Holiday 2010 Information (PDF files):

Dear Members and Friends,

Attached is the High Holiday information for this year. It would be greatly appreciated if you would remit both the list of people who will be using the seats and the payment for them. Proceeds from high holiday seats are a significant part of our budget and helps keep our dues low. This results in only those of us who actually use the seats paying for them, not burdening those who are away for the holidays or are single or single parent families.

The High Holiday seating chart is also attached for those who arrive at shule early and want to be assured of the seat they occupy throughout the year.

Stuart Stahler

Comments 2

  1. Fred Goldberg

    I am not a member, but was thinking that I might like to walk over for part of the Yom Kippur service. Is it possible to walk in without a ticket? I would be happy to make a donation after the holiday.

  2. Post

    Hi Fred,

    Yes, of course you are more than welcome to walk over for part of services during Yom Kippur. While there will be reserved seats, there will also be some open seats available, depending on how crowded it is at the time you arrive. Please feel free to come!

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