Olney Shabbaton with Roy and Leah Neuberger Sept 10th, 2011

ostt News and Events

See the full schedule for this shabbaton:

Neuberger Shabbaton Schedule [PDF]


OSTT and the Friedman Kollel Present:

A Shabbos with Roy and Leah Neuberger

Shabbos Parshas Ki Setzei – September 9-10

  • Become inspired as Roy and Leah each share their personal journey to religious observance.
  • Delve into ancient sources that foretell the current    events that are unfolding today.
  • Explore the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
  • Take a journey through the spiritual history of the world, to shed light onto our current situation today.


Roy and Leah Neuberger were raised in affluent New York homes devoid of Jewishness. They met at an exclusive private high school, were married during college, and pursued further education at Oxford University, England. Underneath the surface a spiritual ferment was boiling. While working in such varied fields as conservation, New York City government, newspaper publishing and Wall Street, they searched the world for their roots. Encountering Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis in 1974, they and their children moved to a religious Jewish community and completely changed their lives.

Roy is the best selling author of From Central Park to Sinai, Worldstorm, and the just published 2020 Vision which combines elements of autobiography, memoir, action thriller and inspiration.

In addition to the presentations over Shabbos, there is a Sunday morning breakfast session being planned. Stay tuned for the full schedule.

Anyone interested in a sponsorship should please contact Ari Soloff,  301-300-1767, or e-mail at [email protected]

More about Roy Neuberger [PDF]