Mini-Scroll – September 28th, 2024 – Nitzavim/Vayelech

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

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Please check the coat racks at the shul to ensure none of your belongings turn into a pumpkin (hefker/ownerless) on Tuesday.

There are still a few kiddushes available for Yom Tov. Please contact Kaitlyn Long ([email protected]) to make your contribution.

Slichos begins Motzei Shabbos with a kumzitz at 12:30AM.

The shul sukkah construction will take place on Sunday morning at 9:15 AM – all hands on deck as we’d like to complete it as quickly as possible to avoid the weather as best we can. Please bring your charged drills with you.

Don’t forget to reserve your high holiday seats:
Dont forget to order your lulav and esrog:

Lastly, please browse the wonderful options available from the “Bake it Forward” menu ( and get your orders in ASAP – supplies are limited and extremely delicious!

Have a wonderful Shabbos