Purim Schedule 5785/2025

OSTT News and Events

Dear community,
On Purim day I will distribute Matanot L’Evyonim to families and individuals in our area who are facing hardship. Please consider giving generously for this important mitzvah. Here’s how you can contribute:

  • Cash or check made out to “OSTT Charity”
  • Online at osttolney.org/donate select “Matanos LaEvyonim – Purim charity” from the dropdown
  • Zelle to [email protected] and note that it’s for matanot l’evyonim

Tizku lemitvos, may Hashem repay your generosity as you uplift the lives of those around you

The Purim schedule is attached. Looking forward to celebrating with you!

Ariel Ben-Horin