Purim Schedule 5785/2025

OSTT News and Events

Dear community,
On Purim day I will distribute Matanot L’Evyonim to families and individuals in our area who are facing hardship. Please consider giving generously for this important mitzvah. Here’s how you can contribute:

  • Cash or check made out to “OSTT Charity”
  • Online at osttolney.org/donate select “Matanos LaEvyonim – Purim charity” from the dropdown
  • Zelle to [email protected] and note that it’s for matanot l’evyonim

Tizku lemitvos, may Hashem repay your generosity as you uplift the lives of those around you

The Purim schedule is attached. Looking forward to celebrating with you!

Ariel Ben-Horin

Purim Schedule 2023

OSTT News and Events

Included is the schedule for tomorrow, Taanis Esther, with special tefila and tehillim programs for these times when our prayers are especially necessary:

  • At 6:05 PM, women will gather in shul to recite tehillim as part of a global movement, featuring a video presentation.
  • At 6:35 PM, everyone will gather to recite Tehillim and pray for the situation in Israel, followed by mincha.

Additionally, see this link for the global recitation of Shema (at 11 AM EST)

Everyone is encouraged to take part as our community joins many others in fervent prayer for acheinu kol Beit Yisrael. May we merit nisim v’yeshuot!

Baruch Dayan Emes – Mrs. Myrna Klavan

OSTT News and Events

It is with great sadness and deep pain that we regretfully inform you of the passing of Mrs. Myrna Klavan, wife of our late Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Hillel Klavan, zt”l. The funeral will take place on Friday, August 27th, 2021, at 8:45 AM at OSTT. Masks are required for all attendees. A live stream will be available here. The burial will take place on Sunday evening at Eretz Hachaim cemetery in Beit Shemesh, Israel.

Shiva will be observed at the Klavan home in Kemp Mill, 1006 Lamberton Drive, (some of the Avelim will be going to Israel for the burial, some will stay) at least through Thursday morning, September 2nd.

The Minyan schedule is as follows:
Selichos followed by Shacharis: Sunday through Thursday: 7:00am.
Mincha/Maariv: Sunday through Wednesday: 7:20pm

May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.