Tisha B’Av Schedule 5770
Please click below to download the Tisha B’Av Schedule for 5770 (2010):
6th Annual Yarchei Kallah for Mechanchim
The Rabbi Samuel and Zehava Friedman Jewish Learning Exchange presents its:
Sixth Annual Yarchei Kallah for Mechanchim
The Following Lectures Are Open To The Public:
Monday, July 26 2:15-5:45 PM
“Helping Students Who Are Dealing With Grief”
Dr. David Pelcovitz, NYU and Yeshiva University
Tuesday, July 27 2:15-5:45 PM
“Emunah in The Classroom”
Rabbi Dovid Sapirman, co-Founder Ani Ma’amin Foundation
Wednesday, August 4 2:30-4:00 PM
“Troubled Families/Troubled Students: Leadership Tools For Positive Impact”
Zev Halpern, LCPC psychotherapist
Men and Women Are Welcome – For more info: Rabbi Moshe Shields 301.873.9308
Save the Date – Olney Jewish Festival July 25th!
For more recently updated news and information, please visit the 4th Annual Olney Jewish Festival page!
The 4th Annual Olney Jewish Festival!
Save the Date: The 4th Annual Olney Jewish Festival will be held on Sunday, July 25th 2010 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm at the Jewish Family Center, 18318 Georgia Ave, Olney MD 20832.
UPDATED EVENTS! Now also featuring Gladiator Jousting and Speed Pitch in addition to:
Join this community-wide family event featuring Moon Bounces, Rock Climbing, Petting Zoo, Face Painting, Piñata, Fire Truck, Kids Carnival and more! Enjoy a BBQ with hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, cotton candy, snacks, and drinks. Food and Activities available for purchase ($.50 / ticket).
If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Meghann Schwartz – [email protected] or (301) 442-9912.
And you can also share or invite others by visiting the 4th Annual Olney Jewish Festival Facebook Page.
Rebbetzin Holly Pavlov – 3rd Annual Olney Shiur
Believing in Others, Ourselves, and Hashem
Introduction by Mrs. Shevi Kurcfeld
Wednesday, June 23rd, 8:00 pm
AHAVA & ALOHA LUAU Benefiting the Richard Butt Memorial Playground to be built at the Jewish Family Center – Sunday, June 13th, 5:00 pm
Yeshiva Experience comes to Olney!
Shabbos Parshas Korach, June 11-12
Once again, the Yeshiva experience comes to Olney! We look forward to hosting the Yeshiva of Greater Washington along with their Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky and Rabbi Eli Reingold. There will be programming Friday night and Shabbos afternoon, Divrei Torah from the Rosh Yeshiva throughout Shabbos, a Yeshiva-style Bais Medrash…