Mini-Scroll – June 15th, 2024 – Nasso

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

Reminder:Sunday morning the Guzi bris will be at 8:45 after davening.Immediately after the bris, before the seudah we will convene our congregational meeting quorum downstairs with donuts for 15-20min and then come back up for the bris seudah. Mazel Tov!Good Shabbos!

Mini-Scroll – May 18th, 2024 – Emor

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

Please find the mini scroll attached. Gala Yahrzeit kiddush this week, thank you to all of the sponsors. To sign up for the communal siyum of Chumash l’iluy nishmas the fallen soldier Yechezkel Azariah, please go to: To sign up for 15 minutes (more) of weekly learning, go to: Exciting events coming up for Lag BaOmer and Shavuos! more »

Pesach Schedule part 2

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

On Tuesday evening, the last day of Yom Tov, everyone is invited to a Neilas Hachag celebration at the shul. If you haven’t yet, sign up for 15 minutes of weekly learning Chag Kasher V’Sameyach!