Mini-Scroll – January 14th, 2023

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

Mazal Tov! Mazal Tov to the Thursday night Navi group for completing the book of Yehoshua! Everyone is invited to start Shoftim, Thursdays at 7:30 pm   Save the Date!January 28 – Date Night!February 4 – Travelling Chassidim!February 11 – Shabbaton with YGW Kollel!  Good Shabbos!

Mini-Scroll & Upcoming Events – December 10th, 2022

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

It’s not too late to register for the Date Night this Motzash @8:30PM! We have a wonderful event planned for couples with the renowned Tamar Livingstone. There will be delicious food and drinks as well as games! Chanuka Carnival!Sunday, December 18Games, prizes, donuts, and fun for all agesRSVP at A huge welcome to Mark & Gail Green from Israel! more »