Mini-Scroll – November 5th, 2022

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

This week’s Gala meat kiddush is sponsored by the Gilburt family to commemorate Becky’s yahrzeit, Behia Zlata bat Shmeul. 5PM Shabbos class with Rabbi Milikowsky: Man’s evolving relationship with earth as exhibited in Parshat Bereishit, Noach, and Lech Lecha Sunday (2AM) the clocks change and weekday Mincha will move to 4:30PM and Maariv to 8:15PM. Good Shabbos!

Mini-Scroll – October 29th, 2022

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

Welcome to the YGW 7th Grade!Welcome also to Rabbi Wiggins, Rabbis Zucker, & Rabbi Turoff! Candle lighting today is 5:53PMMincha today is 6:00PM Shabbos afternoon: From Ark to Arc w/ Rabbi Ben-Horin @ 5PM Mazal Tov to the Daf Yomi group for complete Maseches Kesubos! We have an opportunity to participate in a group purchase (w Chabad) of burial plots more »

Mini-Scroll – September 17th, 2022

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

Meleva Malkah & Slichos this Motzei Shabbos! Shabbos Beis Medresh: When should we start learning the halachot for the upcoming Holiday With Rabbi Milikowsky This Sunday is the Resin Workshop! More classes, learning, & events in the MiniScroll! Thank you to those who have confirmed with me that they will come to help with the shul sukkah construction on Sunday more »