Mini-Scroll & Upcoming Events – December 10th, 2022

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

It’s not too late to register for the Date Night this Motzash @8:30PM! We have a wonderful event planned for couples with the renowned Tamar Livingstone. There will be delicious food and drinks as well as games! Chanuka Carnival!Sunday, December 18Games, prizes, donuts, and fun for all agesRSVP at A huge welcome to Mark & Gail Green from Israel! more »

Mini-Scroll – November 5th, 2022

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

This week’s Gala meat kiddush is sponsored by the Gilburt family to commemorate Becky’s yahrzeit, Behia Zlata bat Shmeul. 5PM Shabbos class with Rabbi Milikowsky: Man’s evolving relationship with earth as exhibited in Parshat Bereishit, Noach, and Lech Lecha Sunday (2AM) the clocks change and weekday Mincha will move to 4:30PM and Maariv to 8:15PM. Good Shabbos!

Mini-Scroll – October 29th, 2022

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

Welcome to the YGW 7th Grade!Welcome also to Rabbi Wiggins, Rabbis Zucker, & Rabbi Turoff! Candle lighting today is 5:53PMMincha today is 6:00PM Shabbos afternoon: From Ark to Arc w/ Rabbi Ben-Horin @ 5PM Mazal Tov to the Daf Yomi group for complete Maseches Kesubos! We have an opportunity to participate in a group purchase (w Chabad) of burial plots more »

Mini-Scroll – September 17th, 2022

OSTT Mini-Scroll, News and Events

Meleva Malkah & Slichos this Motzei Shabbos! Shabbos Beis Medresh: When should we start learning the halachot for the upcoming Holiday With Rabbi Milikowsky This Sunday is the Resin Workshop! More classes, learning, & events in the MiniScroll! Thank you to those who have confirmed with me that they will come to help with the shul sukkah construction on Sunday more »