Tisha B’Av Fed n Bed 2015
TISHA B’AV FED ‘N BED: On Sunday, the Lachmans will host their annual Tisha B’av Fed ‘n Bed! Please see the below flyer for all details and information. Fed n’ Bed is a Tisha B’av late afternoon camp where your child will participate in various Tisha B’av activities and projects, eat supper, get in pajamas, and return home all ready for more »
Tisha B’Av Schedule 5772
Tisha B’Av Schedule 2012 / 5772 [PDF]
OSTT Tisha B’Av Schedule 5771 (2011)
Download the OSTT Tisha B’Av Schedule 2011
Tisha B’Av Schedule 5770
Tisha B’Av Schedule for 5770 (2010)